EYLIL – European Youth Landscape Interpretation Lexicon

The European Youth Landscape Interpretation Lexicon (EYLIL) is a multilingual interpretive glossary of European Youth Landscapes, elaborated within the Erasmus+ TALKSCAPES Project activities and on top of some relevant case studies of daily-life landscapes and sceneries, both urban and rural.

Through the collaborative elaboration of this Lexicon, Students and Teachers enhanced their own ability to describe, analyse, discuss with and narrate their own every-day life landscapes and, thus their own socio-cultural configurations and relevant communities, to peers as well as to adults and elder people. Particularly, through a practical use of different National languages, the TALKSCAPES Community has “labelled” landscapes and identified different socio-cultural and economic components, critical elements and potential in terms of social innovation.

This Lexicon will be constantly implemented and updated by the Educational Communities of the TALKSCAPES partner Schools, representing a common “digital place” allowing European Youth to observe and discuss about the crucial role of European “landscape configurations” as “agents of socio-cultural mediation”, inclusion, identity construction and evolution, safeguard of ethic and aesthetic values, and sustainable development.

The Lexicon is structured on three different theoretical and conceptual areas:

  1. basic concepts related to the perception and the understanding of landscapes;
  2. basic concepts on landscapes description and digital mapping;
  3. macro-categories and types of daily-life landscapes (TALKSCAPES).

Theme: Overlay by Kaira