Dissemination materials

Infographic illustrating the main phases of the Project

The infographic illustrates in a visual representation the main phases of the TALKSCAPES Project, from the approval of the Project proposal by the INDIRE Erasmus+ National Agency to the Official closure of the TALKSCAPES Project. In the first phases of implementation of the Project, it was used by the partner Schools to share the program of mobility activities with the respective Educational Communities. Due to the Covid-19 spread, the infographic was updated in view of the virtual rethinking of mobilities and the one-year extension of the duration of the Project.



Informational guide for the launch of the Project in the Greek School

This leaflet was elaborated by the Greek Local Workgroup and used during the launch of the Project in the 2nd Primary School “Varnaleion” of Nea Aghialos (Greece).

TALKSCAPES – informational guide – Launch Project

Articles in the Italian School’s Journal “Scuola NEWS”

During the Project implementation, Italian Students wrote some articles in their Local School’s Journal talking about the Project, the mobility experiences, the results and overall inter-cultural initiative, narrated through the enthusiastic voices of the participants.

Articles in the Italian School’s Journal “Scuola NEWS”

Articles in the Romanian Journals

Within the inter-county project called “My Erasmus Story”, the Romanian Local Workgroup wrote an article that describes the fruitful experience of TALKSCAPE Project. Furthermore, another contribution that narrates the experiences and the results of the TALKSCAPES Project was written by the Romanian Students in the School Newspaper.

Articles in the Romanian Journals

Poster on The Day of the Bulgarian Alphabet, Education and Culture – 24 May 2021

This poster was elaborated by the Bulgarian Students using photos of the letters of the Bulgarian alphabet, presented in an interesting way on the bridge in the city of Burgas, as part of the landscapes of the Project in connection with the celebration of the Bulgarian holiday “May 24 -The day of the Bulgarian alphabet, education and culture”.

24 May 2021 The day of the Bulgarian alphabet, education and culture and our TALKSCAPES Project

Multimedia presentation realized for the competition “Made for Europe 2022

This multimedia presentation was elaborated by the Romanian Local Workgroup during the participation of the Romanian School at the exhibition for the local competition “Made for Europe 2022”.


Poster for the closure of the Project

This poster, elaborated by the Greek Local Workgroup, synthetize the main results achieved by the TALKSCAPES Project.

POSTER for the closure of TALKSCAPES


This mural was elaborated by the Greek Students by the assistance of a local painter on the 1st floor of our school as a reminder of the participation of the 2nd Primary School “Varnaleion” of Nea Aghialos in the TALKSCAPES Project.


Final dissemination poster

This poster elaborated by the Italian School Students, was used by the partner Schools to share and disseminate the main results of the Erasmus+ TALKSCAPES Project.


Theme: Overlay by Kaira