Virtual Mobility in Targovishte – Bulgaria

... towards Targovishte ...

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation and, particularly the limitations to travels abroad, the whole activity has to be taken just in an online modality, through web meetings that have been held during each day of virtual mobility.

During the virtual mobility activities, the socio-cultural and territorial context, and landscape case studies relevant to the City of Targovishte, localised in the North-Eastern part of Bulgaria, and other Bulgarian cities, places and monuments, have been focused.

The executive program has been defined as follows:
– Monday, 22nd March: Welcome and presentation of the working group and virtual tour in Targovishte;
– Tuesday, 23rd March: Virtual trip to Madara and Pliska, and virtual visit of Yard of Cyrillic Alphabet;
– Wednesday, 24th March: Presentation of Cyrillic alphabet and laboratory activities “Let’s use the Cyrillic alphabet”;
– Thursday, 25th March: Educational game based on Cyrillic Alphabet and virtual trip to Veliko Tarnovo and Burgas;
– Friday 26th March: Presentation of other interesting Bulgarian landscapes. Feedbacks, ideas and open perspectives for next visits on-site.

A part of the mobility days has been dedicated to common laboratory activities leaded by the Project Team and the representatives of each partner School’s Local Coordinating Team, in order to systematize, analyse, discuss and prepare data and other resources to digitally map and describe in multilanguage modality all landscape configuration and case studies visited.
Before, during and after the virtual mobility, participating Schools have prepared and published some posts with photo and pictures, thus contributing to the project content marketing through social media.

All participants have been involved directly and personally in dealing with the Bulgarian language, by starting from the fascinating Cyrillic Alphabet.
In particular, participants have enjoyed the Yard of Cyrillic Alphabet i.e. the public monument dedicated to that particular writing system today used by many Slavic, Turkish, Mongolic and Iranic Countries and people across the South-eastern Europe, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia, North Asia and East Asia, that has been introduced by Saints Cyril and Methodius, and institutionally and traditionally used since the year 893.

This experience has stimulated all participants Students and Teachers in reflecting about the specific differences between written and spoken languages between Bulgaria, Romania and Italy, therefore paving the way to next deeper comparisons between National/local cultures.

At the same time, as concerns the knowledge and analysis of some topic Bulgarian landscapes, as typical “talkscapes” of the virtually visited cities and places, Students and Teachers from the Bulgarian School have guided their peers and colleagues in the discovering of Veliko Tarnovo and its urban landscapes, through an online presentation ad very suggestive media, e.g. the video about the night event in Veliko Tarnovo, allowing all participants to experience such a magic atmosphere.
At the and of the mobility all participants have demonstrated their happiness and satisfaction to have met their Bulgarian, Romanian and Italians peers and colleagues, in the light of such fruitful and exciting interchange occasion.

Poster of the virtual mobility in Targovishte

Bulgarian landscape case studies

During the virtual mobility in Targovishte (Bulgaria) and in view of the implementation of the EYLIM, the Bulgarian Local Workgroup elaborated multimedia presentations, videos and games about:

– Burgas

– Cyrillic Alphabet

– Madara

– Nassebar and Pomorie

– Pliska

– Veliki Preslav

– Veliko Tarnovo

– Targovishte

View the multimedia presentation

Italian Students involved in the virtual mobility activity in Targovishte (Bulgaria) have elaborated the Padlet “Journey in the Cyrillic alphabet!” in which each participant wrote their personal data using the Cyrillic alphabet, also expressing their point of view on the discovery activity of the Cyrillic alphabet.

Italian Students involved in the virtual mobility activity in Targovishte (Bulgaria) have elaborated the Padlet “Feedback board! About the virtual mobility in Bulgaria” in which each participant expressed their personal reflections on the cultural exchange experience that has ended.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira