Mobility in Villafrati – Italy

The last mobility has been developed through 6 days across the Coordinator School’s territory and ended with the final event of the TALKSCAPES Project.

The first day started with a Welcome activity in Palermo with the introduction of the Director of the Coordinating School, some speeches of Contact Person and Students of and Teachers. A Sicilian traditional snack followed as the first social moment. Then a guided tour of the historical center of Palermo has been experienced by all participants and led by the Students of the Comprehensive Institute “Villafrati-Mezzojuso”. All participants took photos, videos, travel notes documenting the specific aspects of all these landscapes and their contextualization, and later elaborated all materials collaboratively.
During the second and the third day participants visited the “Arab-Norman Itinerary” of Monreale and Cefalù (UNESCO World Heritage). The fourth day was dedicated to discovering landscape of the Marsala salt pans and the historical center of Trapani.
The fifth day was dedicated to discovering the “Arab-Norman itinerary” of Palermo through the visit of the complex of Palazzo Reale and Cappella Palatina (UNESCO World Heritage).
Finally, the overall Project Group has enjoyed an exciting and involving guided tour of the School venue and the local historical center of Villafrati, led by the local Students.

In all days of mobility, laboratory activities are realized to prepare collected field data to map and describe in multi-language modality all landscapes visited, primarily to stimulate Students and Teachers to express and share impressions, emotions, feelings, reactions with respect to each context discovered.

This mobility represented for all participants an important occasion to meet directly other Countries culture and interact with their peers in multi-language modality.

The rich symbology offered by monumental and landscape contexts of this part of Sicily recalled in participants fundamental values as the coexistence between different culture and their own “cultural products”, among the others the typical landscapes of each European regional context focused by each partner School.

All participants have been solicited to interact with the rich history of the Island territory since ancient times, starting from the Phoenicians, Ancient Greeks, Romans, then the Normans and the Arabs, up to the Modern Age, all historical period during which the cultural melting pot of Sicily has been evolving.

This mobility stimulated in the Students also the improvement of soft skills, digital competences, multi-language expressiveness and critical thinking.
For the local Students, this mobility gave the opportunity to enhance their knowledge of Europe, capacity to appreciate the cultural diversity, the socio-cultural identity of their own Community and territory, to be critically compared with the other ones of the partner Schools and their Students and Teachers.

Poster of mobility in Villafrati

Fatto con Padlet

Fatto con Padlet

Fatto con Padlet

Mobility in italy di Maria Laura Scaduto

Theme: Overlay by Kaira